Welcome to Seerat.ca

myrIaF XfdF df pitaflf


- surjIq pfqr

myry nftkF ivwc myry afpxy myrI BUaf df pwuq jMgIr


- ajmyr isMG aOlK

sVdIaF qlLIaF leI CF dI qlfsL


- iekbfl rfmUvflIaf

myrI mF duKiVaF dI pMz


- aqrjIq

iËMdgI dy kuJ vrky
pMCI dI awK nf PuMz skx vflf arjn


- ipafrf isMG Bogl

mYN zrdf swc nf boldf


- amIn milk (lMdn)

hor kd qwk?


- drsLn nwq

aqIq dI loa aqy asIN


- suirMdrpfl isMG mMz

ieiqhfs dy aMbr ‘qy
sUhy qfiraF dI joVI : sLhId Bgq isMG aqy pfsL


- amolk isMG

cfnx ‘c gvfcf jugnUM


- suirMdr sohl

iek dUxI dUxI tU tU Ëf Por


- gobrDn gwbI



- dyivMdr kOr

XfdF dy vrky ProlidaF


- krnYl isMG

122 sfl df bfbf, jo ajy vI jvfn hY


- irsLI gulftI

DrqI df mfx mfnv kilafx


- myjr mFgt

AuzIk qyry afAux dI …mF dIaF aWKF ivwc idsy

- lfzlf pMjfbI

mnuwK dy pwK ivwc


- kml kMg

bFkF nf juVIaF


- igafnI sMqoK isMG

prfieaf Dn


- sfDU isMG DfmI

dunIaF myrI jvF hYN –nUrjhF


- iekbfl mfhl

nIly qfiraF dI mOq


– joigMdr kYroN(zf)

pfiksqfn Xfqrf - 2


– pRimMdr isMG soc

ilKx, bolx aqy ajfdI


- kyhr sLrIPL



- guirMdr Zwt

irport / hrijMdr isMG sMDU dI ikqfb ‘awg dy awQrU’ irlIjL kIqI geI.

irport / pRkfsL isMG afjLfd dI ikqfb ‘jd roeI Drq pMjfb dI’ df irlIjL


- inrml isMG kMDflvI

quhfzy KLq

The Seerat.ca uses embedded fonts (or dynamic fonts) technology to display Punjabi characters on its Website. This technology is available with the following web browsers:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 5 or Higher

  • Netscape Communicator 4.75 to 4.79
    (Do not use Netscape  6.0 or higher as they do not support Dynamic Fonts)

If however you experience any difficulties in displaying or printing the embedded fonts, please download and install the following Punjabi fonts on your computer.


Step 1. Download the Punjabi Font (SEERAT.TTF). To download now, Click here to download font
Step 2. A Window Opens asking for "Open it from Current Location" or "Save to Disk" - Choose "Save to Disk" and press OK.
Step 3. Choose a location to save the file (SEERAT.TTF). And remember that.
Step 4. After the files get fully downloaded and extracted,
Step 5. Click on FILE>>INSTALL NEW FONT.
Step 6. Choose the location of the font file (SEERAT.TTF) where you stored it during download.

The font will now appear in the "List of Fonts"

Step 7. Select the Font SEERAT and press OK.
Step 8. Your Font File (SEERAT.TTF) has been installed now.

You will have normally no problem in viewing our pages once the font (SEERAT.TTF) is installed properly.


  • I downloaded the font but still do not see the Punjabi text.

    You may have to remove your System Cache and Internet files, Cookies etc.

    Follow these simple steps:

    - On your Internet Explorer, go to Tools>>Internet Options
    - Under Temporary Internet Files, Click on "Delete Cookies".
    - Once that is complete click on "Delete Files"
    - After this, click on "Clear History"
    - Press OK.

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