Welcome to Seerat.ca

sMq isMG syKoN dI jnm sLqfbdI


- surjIq pfqr

suÉn surjIq pfqr dy / iek nftk df aflyK


- surjIq pfqr

Buwbl dI awg myrI mF


- ajmyr isMG aOlK

myry aMdr srMgI hUkdI hY


- iekbfl rfmUvflIaf, trFto

aslI lfhOr vyKidaF


- bldyv isMG DflIvfl

bdly rMg smyN dy
ryq ingl geI hIrf


- bUtf isMG cOhfn

ijLMdgI dy kuJ vrky
ikqfbF pVHn dI cytk qy pwCmI sMsfr


- ipafrf isMG Bogl

swc-muwc[ swc-muwc! swc-muwc?


- zf[ bldyv isMG cImf

+12 \ jmHF bfrHF


- bldyv isMG cImf

ÈfhmuKI - gurmuKI knvrtr df pihlf inrmfqf kOx


- ikrpfl isMG pMnUM



- suirMdr sohl



- myjr mFgt

muV ivDvf


- sMq isMG syKoN

krqfr iZloN - jo ijAUNdf jfgdf ieiqhfs sI


- sfDU ibinMg-brnbI, bI

surF df srdfr


- iekbfl mfhl

nIly qfiraF dI mOq

- joigdr kYrON

sYks: vfqsfien, Prfiez qoN EsLo qwk
ipafr kbjLf nhIN


- jsvIr dusFJ

lok khfxI
rfjf pors


- seId Butwf

qy jdoN iksy gLrIb dI vI cwl geI


- surjIq Bgq

nfmF dy BMblBUsy ivwc Pisaf lyKk… (iPlhfl)


- iPlhfl gwbI

inrol Dfrimk iPLjLf `coN Auqpn sfihqk hsqfKr igafnI sMqoK isMG


– zf[ avqfr aYs[ sMGf

sLRomxI gu[ pR[ kmytI dy pRDfn dI cox


– igafnI sMqoK isMG

surIlI avfË


- gurÈrn isMG ksyl

do kivqfvF


- dyivMdr kOr

hlPLnfmf-kuwkV isMG


- AuNkfrpRIq

do kivqfvF


- guirMdr Zwt

kivqf / mF


- jogI lMzn

qwqI qvI


- krmjIq sLfhI

cMn qfry hHnyrf qy mYN


– bljIq isMG GMumx

pMjfbI dy pfTkF, lyKkF aqy ivdvfnF nUM apIl

pMjfbI kONsl afPL afstRylIaf vwloN bybfk klmkfr kfmryz jiqMdr pMnU df isznI ivc snmfn
aMimRqsroN afey sLfier dyv drd nUM vI snmfinaf igaf


- hrdIp isMG

‘sIrq’ dy pfTkF nUM, AulPLq bfjvf XfdgfrI mMc, vloN iewk jLrUrI bynqI

lyKk-pfTk mMc sloh (XU ky) vwloN sUcnf

quhfzy KLq

The Seerat.ca uses embedded fonts (or dynamic fonts) technology to display Punjabi characters on its Website. This technology is available with the following web browsers:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 5 or Higher

  • Netscape Communicator 4.75 to 4.79
    (Do not use Netscape  6.0 or higher as they do not support Dynamic Fonts)

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Step 1. Download the Punjabi Font (SEERAT.TTF). To download now, Click here to download font
Step 2. A Window Opens asking for "Open it from Current Location" or "Save to Disk" - Choose "Save to Disk" and press OK.
Step 3. Choose a location to save the file (SEERAT.TTF). And remember that.
Step 4. After the files get fully downloaded and extracted,
Step 5. Click on FILE>>INSTALL NEW FONT.
Step 6. Choose the location of the font file (SEERAT.TTF) where you stored it during download.

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Step 7. Select the Font SEERAT and press OK.
Step 8. Your Font File (SEERAT.TTF) has been installed now.

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    - On your Internet Explorer, go to Tools>>Internet Options
    - Under Temporary Internet Files, Click on "Delete Cookies".
    - Once that is complete click on "Delete Files"
    - After this, click on "Clear History"
    - Press OK.

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